
Symbolic picture for doctoral researchers
Call for proposals (KIT internal): DAAD Graduate School Scholarships at KCDS

We are calling researcher tandems (MATH and SEE) at KIT to submit interdisciplinary project ideas!

Deadline: January 31, 2025

Learn more (only visible in KIT intranet)
Scene with friends talkingBrooke Cagle on Unsplash
Career Talk with KIT Alumni: From Computational and Data Science to Industry and Academia (Oct 11, 2024)

Wondering whether to choose academia or industry for your next career step? Join us for a panel discussion with KIT alumni sharing their experiences, job profiles, and career journeys in computational and data science.

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Upcoming events


Half-day workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

Tuesday, 12 November 2024, 13:30-18:00
Blücherstraße 17, Karlsruhe, Germany and available online

This hybrid half-day workshop will explore key advancements in explainable AI (XAI) at the intersection of AI, Mathematical Sciences, Engineering, and Economics. Experts will discuss both theoretical foundations and practical applications, focusing on making AI models more transparent and interpretable, which is essential for building trust in complex AI systems.

KIT Zentrum MathSEE
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Englerstraße 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Mail: MathSEE does-not-exist.kit edu


Group picture of the participants of the KCDS Workshop on Data Processing and Data Assimilation 2024Na Luo
Report: KCDS Workshop on Data Processing and Data Assimilation 2024

The workshop with Dr. Annika Oertel (IMKTRO) and Dr. Vandana Jha (SCC) took place from September 11-12, 2024 at the Mathematics building.

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KCDS Retreat 2023 - group picture
Report: KCDS Retreat 2023

The second annual KCDS Retreat took place from November 13-15, 2023 at Naturfreundehaus Kniebis in the Black Forest.

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Deep Learning workshop group picture
Report: Deep Learning Workshop 2023

The workshop with a focus on "Recent Advances in Kernel Methods for Neural Networks" took place in October 5-6, 2023 at the Triangel.

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KCDS Summer School 2023 group photo
Report: KCDS Summer School 2023

The first KCDS Summer School centered on the topic of Stochastic and Hybrid Modelling and took place at KIT Campus South, September 18-20, 2023.

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About KCDS

Concept of the graduate school KCDS
KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science (KCDS) is a graduate school at KIT Center MathSEE that offers an interdisciplinary training program for doctoral researchers in the field of model-driven and data-driven computational science.
In this unique program, doctoral researchers will be able to conduct an interdisciplinary research project that revolves around computational methods such as mathematical models, simulation methods and data science techniques, all the while building bridges between mathematical sciences and an applied SEE discipline (science, economics and engineering).
Addressing global challenges, the school provides a wide variety of topics, from meteorological ensemble forecasting to machine learning in elementary particle physics.
At KCDS, doctoral researchers have one supervisor from the mathematical sciences and one from the applied discipline. They are part of a dynamic community and participate in the school’s interdisciplinary training program, including hands-on training in small groups, summer schools, networking events and hackathons/datathons.
Thinking simulations and data together, we are ready to conquer the data-driven challenges of tomorrow!

Coordination Office