KCDS Supervisors

All KCDS Supervisors (MATH and SEE) are members of the Board of Researchers.

KCDS Supervisors - mathematical sciences (MATH)
Portrait Name E-Mail Role at KCDS Research Interests Homepage
nicole baeuerle does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Stochastic processes and control
Pavel Komyakov
leonid chaichenets does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor  
  vicky fasen does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Extreme value theory and statistics, stochastic processes, time series analysis
martin frank does-not-exist.kit edu Scientific Speaker, MATH Supervisor High-performance computing, uncertainty quantification, mathematical models
  tilmann gneiting does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Computational Statistics
grothe does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, SEE Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Multivariate statistics and data analytics, statistical learning, energy
  marlis hochbruck does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Numerical Methods for Image Processing, Num. Mathematics
    MATH Supervisor Time integration of PDEs (in particular splitting methods and methods for highly oscillatory problems), high-dimensional problems
  ole kirner does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Computational Science, Atmospheric Research
  MATH Supervisor Bayesian Computational Methods, Bayesian Deep Learning, Regularization and Shrinkage in High-Dimensional Problems, Distributional Regression, Spatial Statistics, Statistical Learning, Uncertainty Quantification
  mathias krause does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Modelling, Simulation and Control of Fluid Flows
sebastian krumscheid does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Uncertainty Quantification for mathematical and computational models, data-driven modeling
  sebastian lerch does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Probabilistic forecasting, machine learning, mathematical methods for forecast evaluation, and applications in environmental sciences and economics
roland maier does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Numerical methods for partial differential equations, Multiscale methods
  stefan nickel does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Discrete Optimization, Optimization under Uncertainty, Discrete Event Simulation, Coupling of Simulation and Optimization, Location Theory
  andreas ott does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Topological Data Analysis
Kevin Lorenzi
  MATH Supervisor Logical foundations for cyber-physical systems and practical theorem proving tools
roman sauer does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Algebraic topology and geometric and measurable group theory
  melanie schienle does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Statistics and Econometrics
oliver stein does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Inverse Problems and Optimization
gudrun thaeter does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Fluid Dynamics and modeling flow
trabs does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering committee Nonparametric and high-dimensional Statistics
  christian wieners does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Scientific Computing, Finite Elements, Applications in Solid Mechanics
5 additional persons visible within KIT only.
KCDS Supervisors - SEE disciplines (SEE)
Portrait Name E-Mail Role at KCDS Research Interests Homepage
peter betsch does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Numerical modeling and simulation of materials
peter braesicke does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Atmospheric composition and climate interactions using simulations
johannes brumm does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Computational Economics (Adaptive Sparse Grids, DNNs), Macroeconomics (Financial Frictions, Fiscal Policy), Economic Theory (Heterogenous Agent Models)
  SEE Supervisor Inverse Methods, Tomography, Data Visualization, Terahertz Waves, Machine Learning
jan cermak does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Aerosol and clouds in climate system, remote sensing
Uli Weiss
jordan denev does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Computational Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Energy conversion, Engineering in Energy and Mobility, Machine Learning
achim dittler does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor
Uwe Ehret
  Deputy Scientific Speaker, SEE Supervisor Hydrological modeling (process- and data based), information theory
marcus elstner does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Multiscale computational methods
  alexander fidlin does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Nonlinear Oscillations
    SEE Supervisor Fluid mechanics
  SEE Supervisor
  kai furmans does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Stochastic Models for Material Handling Systems and Lean Production Systems
  germaine goetzelmann does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Data Management, Data Analysis, Computational Humanities, Computer Vision
lutz groell does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Mathematical modeling, system analysis of models, model-based and data-driven control design
stefan hinz does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Machine Learning for Parameter Retrieval from Remote Sensing Data; Semantic and Stochastic Models in Computer Vision
corinna hoose does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Aerosol-cloud interactions, Numerical modelling
ali hoshyaripour does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor  
  vandana jha does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
    SEE Supervisor Material modeling and process simulation in lightweight design
� www.kit.edu
peter knippertz does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Dynamics and predictability of weather systems
fabian krueger does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Applied econometrics
  eileen kuehn does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor  
hansjoerg kutterer does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Geodetic Earth System Science
  martin lauer does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Autonomous Driving
ralf loritz does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Deep learning-based predictions in hydrological systems
thomas meurer does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Model and data based analysis, control and (online) optimization for complex dynamical systems
joerg meyer2 does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Data management and data analytics
ralf mikut does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Automated Image and Data Analysis
  SEE Supervisor
hermann nirschl does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Fluid flow, mechanical process engineering, numerical simulation
clemens puppe does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Social choice theory, Judgement aggregation, Game theory, Microeconomic theory
julian quinting does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Atmospheric predictability and machine learning models
  rietbrock does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Seismology
linus seelinger does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Uncertainty quantification (UQ), High performance computing (HPC), Numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs)
achim streit does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Data Management, Data Analysis, Interdisciplinary R&D, Distributed Computing
Christina Stivali
danah tonne does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor  
dimosthenis trimis does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Modelling of Reactive Flows, Multiscale Modelling
markus ulrich does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Machine Learning; Uncertainty Quantification; Modelling for Computer Vision and Photogrammetry
  maxim ulrich does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Financial machine learning and financial data science
peter vortisch does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Mobility behaviour research, modelling and simulation of transport systems, traffic control
Florian Wittemann
florian wittemann does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor  
14 additional persons visible within KIT only.