Event Calendar
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum am Kronenplatz
Sexualisierte Gewalt, Belästigung und Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz
gehören in der Wissenschaft leider nicht der Vergangenheit an. Der Schutz
davor gehört zu den Führungsaufgaben von Vorgesetzten. Dr. Britta
Bergfeldt, Dr. Birgid Langer, Dr. Robin von Both und Sarah Wenz vom
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) wollen an diesem Abend für die
Thematik sensibilisieren und zur Reflexion darüber anregen, was gute
Führung auszeichnet und wie Personen in Leitungsfunktion zu einem
angenehmen Arbeitsumfeld beitragen können. Weitere Wissenschaftlerinnen
am KIT und aus dem Ausland erläutern in englischer Sprache außerdem, auf
welche Hindernisse Frauen im wissenschaftlichen Betrieb in Deutschland,
aber auch im Ausland treffen. Die Expertinnen zeigen Best Practice-Beispiele
aus anderen Ländern, wie Ungleichheiten überwunden werden können.
Zur Wissenschaftsreihe EFFEKTE:
Fragen aufwerfen, vor allem aber die Antworten geben - das liefert die EFFEKTE-Reihe.
Jeden Monat - immer an einem Dienstag. Von Juni 2024 bis zum EFFEKTE-Wissenschaftsfestival im Mai 2025 gibt es an zwölf Abenden Wissenschaft zum Anfassen - anschaulich, verständlich und absolut aktuell. Immer am "Wissenschaftsdienstag" präsentieren sich die Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Karlsruher Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen. Sie geben Einblicke in ihre Arbeit - in einem Mix aus Impulsvorträgen, Diskussion, interaktiven Formaten, Exponaten und Workshops. Titel der Wissenschaftsreihe ist "Freiheit im Wandel - Chancen und Grenzen für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft". Organisiert und durchgeführt wird die Vortragsreihe vom Wissenschaftsbüro der Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Karlsruhe.
Schauplatz der EFFEKTE-Reihe ist der TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur |Raum am Kronenplatz in der Karlsruher Innenstadt
Los geht es immer um 19:30 Uhr.
Der Eintritt ist frei.
Die Veranstaltungen der EFFEKTE-Reihe werden von Uwe Gradwohl, Leiter der Redaktion Wissen aktuell beim Südwestrundfunk (SWR), moderiert.
gehören in der Wissenschaft leider nicht der Vergangenheit an. Der Schutz
davor gehört zu den Führungsaufgaben von Vorgesetzten. Dr. Britta
Bergfeldt, Dr. Birgid Langer, Dr. Robin von Both und Sarah Wenz vom
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) wollen an diesem Abend für die
Thematik sensibilisieren und zur Reflexion darüber anregen, was gute
Führung auszeichnet und wie Personen in Leitungsfunktion zu einem
angenehmen Arbeitsumfeld beitragen können. Weitere Wissenschaftlerinnen
am KIT und aus dem Ausland erläutern in englischer Sprache außerdem, auf
welche Hindernisse Frauen im wissenschaftlichen Betrieb in Deutschland,
aber auch im Ausland treffen. Die Expertinnen zeigen Best Practice-Beispiele
aus anderen Ländern, wie Ungleichheiten überwunden werden können.
Zur Wissenschaftsreihe EFFEKTE:
Fragen aufwerfen, vor allem aber die Antworten geben - das liefert die EFFEKTE-Reihe.
Jeden Monat - immer an einem Dienstag. Von Juni 2024 bis zum EFFEKTE-Wissenschaftsfestival im Mai 2025 gibt es an zwölf Abenden Wissenschaft zum Anfassen - anschaulich, verständlich und absolut aktuell. Immer am "Wissenschaftsdienstag" präsentieren sich die Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Karlsruher Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen. Sie geben Einblicke in ihre Arbeit - in einem Mix aus Impulsvorträgen, Diskussion, interaktiven Formaten, Exponaten und Workshops. Titel der Wissenschaftsreihe ist "Freiheit im Wandel - Chancen und Grenzen für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft". Organisiert und durchgeführt wird die Vortragsreihe vom Wissenschaftsbüro der Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Karlsruhe.
Schauplatz der EFFEKTE-Reihe ist der TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur |Raum am Kronenplatz in der Karlsruher Innenstadt
Los geht es immer um 19:30 Uhr.
Der Eintritt ist frei.
Die Veranstaltungen der EFFEKTE-Reihe werden von Uwe Gradwohl, Leiter der Redaktion Wissen aktuell beim Südwestrundfunk (SWR), moderiert.
Dr. Christian Dumpitak , iGRAD – Interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy Düsseldorf, HHU Düsseldorf
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on February 17 and 18, 2025, each starting 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct complies with the standards of good research practice. The workshop will introduce basic issues of research integrity by addressing important guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and specific regulations of KIT for safeguarding good research practice – relevant for every early career researcher@KIT.
A) Basics of Responsible Conduct
Introduction: Research, ethical principles and professional ethos of a researcher Basic (inter-)national recommendations and regulations for safeguarding good research practice Research misconduct: Examples, elements of offense, reasons and consequences
B) General Responsibilities
Quality management: research design, documentation/archiving Publication process, authorship and review of manuscripts Supervision: Expectations/duties/roles Organizational culture: Collaboration, communication, prevention and dealing with conflict Procedures in case of suspicion and relevant contact points
C) Important Specific Responsibilities
Important prior to any data collection: Authorization or permission relevant research Possible topics (depending on participants’ disciplinary/research background): ‘Research on animals’, ‘Research on humans’ and/or ‘Surveys, interviews, data privacy and security issues in research’
Throughout the various sections of the workshop the use of text- and image-generating AI will be discussed as an integral part.
Via dialogic inputs, discussion of case examples, single/group work and plenary discussion participants will have the opportunity to discuss and reflect their individual research practice and professional attitudes on being a researcher.
This event is open to members of KCDS.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on February 17 and 18, 2025.
Technical requirements: To participate in this event, you need a stable internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. Participants will receive further detailed information regarding the online-platform prior to the event.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our qualification program. Thank you!
This workshop is being organized in cooperation with CRC Wave Phenomena.
This workshop offer is directed at KCDS members. To register for this workshop, please inquire via e-mail: kcds@kit.edu
Photo by Camila Cordeiro on Unsplash
Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct complies with the standards of good research practice. The workshop will introduce basic issues of research integrity by addressing important guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and specific regulations of KIT for safeguarding good research practice – relevant for every early career researcher@KIT.
A) Basics of Responsible Conduct
Introduction: Research, ethical principles and professional ethos of a researcher Basic (inter-)national recommendations and regulations for safeguarding good research practice Research misconduct: Examples, elements of offense, reasons and consequences
B) General Responsibilities
Quality management: research design, documentation/archiving Publication process, authorship and review of manuscripts Supervision: Expectations/duties/roles Organizational culture: Collaboration, communication, prevention and dealing with conflict Procedures in case of suspicion and relevant contact points
C) Important Specific Responsibilities
Important prior to any data collection: Authorization or permission relevant research Possible topics (depending on participants’ disciplinary/research background): ‘Research on animals’, ‘Research on humans’ and/or ‘Surveys, interviews, data privacy and security issues in research’
Throughout the various sections of the workshop the use of text- and image-generating AI will be discussed as an integral part.
Via dialogic inputs, discussion of case examples, single/group work and plenary discussion participants will have the opportunity to discuss and reflect their individual research practice and professional attitudes on being a researcher.
This event is open to members of KCDS.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on February 17 and 18, 2025.
Technical requirements: To participate in this event, you need a stable internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. Participants will receive further detailed information regarding the online-platform prior to the event.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our qualification program. Thank you!
This workshop is being organized in cooperation with CRC Wave Phenomena.
This workshop offer is directed at KCDS members. To register for this workshop, please inquire via e-mail: kcds@kit.edu
Photo by Camila Cordeiro on Unsplash
Dr. Christian Dumpitak , iGRAD – Interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy Düsseldorf, HHU Düsseldorf
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on February 17 and 18, 2025, each starting 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct complies with the standards of good research practice. The workshop will introduce basic issues of research integrity by addressing important guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and specific regulations of KIT for safeguarding good research practice – relevant for every early career researcher@KIT.
A) Basics of Responsible Conduct
Introduction: Research, ethical principles and professional ethos of a researcher Basic (inter-)national recommendations and regulations for safeguarding good research practice Research misconduct: Examples, elements of offense, reasons and consequences
B) General Responsibilities
Quality management: research design, documentation/archiving Publication process, authorship and review of manuscripts Supervision: Expectations/duties/roles Organizational culture: Collaboration, communication, prevention and dealing with conflict Procedures in case of suspicion and relevant contact points
C) Important Specific Responsibilities
Important prior to any data collection: Authorization or permission relevant research Possible topics (depending on participants’ disciplinary/research background): ‘Research on animals’, ‘Research on humans’ and/or ‘Surveys, interviews, data privacy and security issues in research’
Throughout the various sections of the workshop the use of text- and image-generating AI will be discussed as an integral part.
Via dialogic inputs, discussion of case examples, single/group work and plenary discussion participants will have the opportunity to discuss and reflect their individual research practice and professional attitudes on being a researcher.
This event is open to members of KCDS.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on February 17 and 18, 2025.
Technical requirements: To participate in this event, you need a stable internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. Participants will receive further detailed information regarding the online-platform prior to the event.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our qualification program. Thank you!
This workshop is being organized in cooperation with CRC Wave Phenomena.
This workshop offer is directed at KCDS members. To register for this workshop, please inquire via e-mail: kcds@kit.edu
Photo by Camila Cordeiro on Unsplash
Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct complies with the standards of good research practice. The workshop will introduce basic issues of research integrity by addressing important guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and specific regulations of KIT for safeguarding good research practice – relevant for every early career researcher@KIT.
A) Basics of Responsible Conduct
Introduction: Research, ethical principles and professional ethos of a researcher Basic (inter-)national recommendations and regulations for safeguarding good research practice Research misconduct: Examples, elements of offense, reasons and consequences
B) General Responsibilities
Quality management: research design, documentation/archiving Publication process, authorship and review of manuscripts Supervision: Expectations/duties/roles Organizational culture: Collaboration, communication, prevention and dealing with conflict Procedures in case of suspicion and relevant contact points
C) Important Specific Responsibilities
Important prior to any data collection: Authorization or permission relevant research Possible topics (depending on participants’ disciplinary/research background): ‘Research on animals’, ‘Research on humans’ and/or ‘Surveys, interviews, data privacy and security issues in research’
Throughout the various sections of the workshop the use of text- and image-generating AI will be discussed as an integral part.
Via dialogic inputs, discussion of case examples, single/group work and plenary discussion participants will have the opportunity to discuss and reflect their individual research practice and professional attitudes on being a researcher.
This event is open to members of KCDS.
The event will be held in English and run for two days, on February 17 and 18, 2025.
Technical requirements: To participate in this event, you need a stable internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. Participants will receive further detailed information regarding the online-platform prior to the event.
If you are unable to attend an event, please inform us promptly via e-mail. This way you are allowing your colleagues the opportunity to participate and you help us to maintain the quality of our qualification program. Thank you!
This workshop is being organized in cooperation with CRC Wave Phenomena.
This workshop offer is directed at KCDS members. To register for this workshop, please inquire via e-mail: kcds@kit.edu
Photo by Camila Cordeiro on Unsplash
Hybrid: TRIANGEL Studio @Kronenplatz and Zoom
Louise Kluge, Lisa Leimenstoll, Gabriel Mejia Ruiz, Lilly Osburg, KIT
The KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science (KCDS) at KIT Center MathSEE is excited to present a special edition of the KCDS Talks in February, where KCDS Fellows will showcase their cutting-edge research. This event offers a glimpse into the innovative work being done by the next generation of computational and data scientists.
Join us in person or on Zoom to hear from four talented fellows as they present their fascinating research topics:
Gabriel Mejia Ruiz (KIT SCC)
"Trainability of Data-Driven Quantum Models"
Gabriel will explore the challenges and possibilities of training quantum models using data-driven approaches and discuss their implications for of quantum computing.
Louise Kluge (KIT SCC)
"Efficient Bayesian Inference in Cosmological Simulations: A Challenge in Uncertainty Quantification"
Louise will delve into how Bayesian inference can be applied to large-scale cosmological simulations, particularly focusing on methods to address uncertainty quantification.
Lisa Leimenstoll (KIT STAT)
"Causality in Extremes: Exploring the General Case of Different Tails"
Lisa will present her research on extreme value theory, particularly focusing on estimating causal relationships in extreme events.
Lilly Osburg (KIT SCC)
"Exploitation of Humanities Data for Big Data Analysis"
Lilly will explore how data from the humanities can be exploited for large-scale analysis using big data techniques, shedding light on interdisciplinary research opportunities.
Following the talk, there will be a discussion with the speakers, offering attendees the opportunity to ask questions and engage in conversation about the topic. The session will be hosted by Lilly Osburg and Lukas Frank.
Snacks and Drinks & Networking Opportunity: After the event, there will be food provided, offering an excellent opportunity to network with the speakers and other attendees. Make the most of this chance to connect and discuss ideas with fellow researchers and professionals.
Whether you're a student, researcher, or simply curious about the latest trends in computational science, this event will provide valuable insights into diverse and impactful research areas.
Join us in person or via Zoom – the event is free and open to all without prior registration.
Join us in person or on Zoom to hear from four talented fellows as they present their fascinating research topics:
Gabriel Mejia Ruiz (KIT SCC)
"Trainability of Data-Driven Quantum Models"
Gabriel will explore the challenges and possibilities of training quantum models using data-driven approaches and discuss their implications for of quantum computing.
Louise Kluge (KIT SCC)
"Efficient Bayesian Inference in Cosmological Simulations: A Challenge in Uncertainty Quantification"
Louise will delve into how Bayesian inference can be applied to large-scale cosmological simulations, particularly focusing on methods to address uncertainty quantification.
Lisa Leimenstoll (KIT STAT)
"Causality in Extremes: Exploring the General Case of Different Tails"
Lisa will present her research on extreme value theory, particularly focusing on estimating causal relationships in extreme events.
Lilly Osburg (KIT SCC)
"Exploitation of Humanities Data for Big Data Analysis"
Lilly will explore how data from the humanities can be exploited for large-scale analysis using big data techniques, shedding light on interdisciplinary research opportunities.
Following the talk, there will be a discussion with the speakers, offering attendees the opportunity to ask questions and engage in conversation about the topic. The session will be hosted by Lilly Osburg and Lukas Frank.
Snacks and Drinks & Networking Opportunity: After the event, there will be food provided, offering an excellent opportunity to network with the speakers and other attendees. Make the most of this chance to connect and discuss ideas with fellow researchers and professionals.
Whether you're a student, researcher, or simply curious about the latest trends in computational science, this event will provide valuable insights into diverse and impactful research areas.
Join us in person or via Zoom – the event is free and open to all without prior registration.
Room 10/1, Building 30.23 - Physics Tower, CS
Hanna Woye
“PhD in physics? You don’t seem like a nerd at all.”
“You’re a woman in biology? Guess that helped with getting research funding, huh?
“Mathematics degree? For teaching, right?”
“Environmental science? I guess you’re one of those climate activists then.”
We’re all familiar with it: being pigeonholed. Sometimes it’s through casual, subtle remarks, other times it’s direct and hurtful, and sometimes it remains unspoken.
We also pigeonhole others ourselves when we interact with them. Since these labels influence our perception and actions, they aren’t just unconscious biases but have real consequences.
Understanding the mechanisms behind these biases and their potential effects helps us, on one hand, to scrutinize our own biases and avoid acting upon them, and on the other hand, to devise strategies for dealing with situations in which we are unfairly pigeonholed.
In this interactive workshop, participants delve deeper into the topic of unconscious bias. The focus lies on hands-on methods that bridge cognitive knowledge about unconscious assumptions with emotional aspects. Furthermore, participants work on strategies to deal with unconscious assumptions with which they themselves are labeled.
Thematic Focal Points
Perception: Exploring how we view the world and how stereotypes form.
Personal Perspective: Understanding my background and its impact on my perception of women.
Stereotypes and Prejudices: Examining the functions of prejudices and strategies for managing them.
Discrimination and Power Imbalances: Exploring the connection between unconscious biases and structural inequality.
Managing Biases: Developing personal strategies for adressing gender stereotypes and other biases. ODER Developing personal strategies for dealing with biases.
“You’re a woman in biology? Guess that helped with getting research funding, huh?
“Mathematics degree? For teaching, right?”
“Environmental science? I guess you’re one of those climate activists then.”
We’re all familiar with it: being pigeonholed. Sometimes it’s through casual, subtle remarks, other times it’s direct and hurtful, and sometimes it remains unspoken.
We also pigeonhole others ourselves when we interact with them. Since these labels influence our perception and actions, they aren’t just unconscious biases but have real consequences.
Understanding the mechanisms behind these biases and their potential effects helps us, on one hand, to scrutinize our own biases and avoid acting upon them, and on the other hand, to devise strategies for dealing with situations in which we are unfairly pigeonholed.
In this interactive workshop, participants delve deeper into the topic of unconscious bias. The focus lies on hands-on methods that bridge cognitive knowledge about unconscious assumptions with emotional aspects. Furthermore, participants work on strategies to deal with unconscious assumptions with which they themselves are labeled.
Thematic Focal Points
Perception: Exploring how we view the world and how stereotypes form.
Personal Perspective: Understanding my background and its impact on my perception of women.
Stereotypes and Prejudices: Examining the functions of prejudices and strategies for managing them.
Discrimination and Power Imbalances: Exploring the connection between unconscious biases and structural inequality.
Managing Biases: Developing personal strategies for adressing gender stereotypes and other biases. ODER Developing personal strategies for dealing with biases.