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KCDS Workshop on Data Processing and Data Assimilation 2024

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 9:00
Campus South, building 20.30, room 0.014

During data assimilation, observations are optimally combined with a (numerical) model to obtain the best estimate of the system's state taking all observations into account. As observations are often noisy, incomplete and inconsistent, substantial observation pre-processing is required. In this session, we provide insight into various data pre-processing and visualization methods and introduce the concept of data assimilation using the example of numerical weather prediction. The practical exercises based on Jupyter notebooks will illustrate different methods for data processing and data assimilation.


The workshop will run from September 11 - 12 on-site at KIT Campus South in Karlsruhe and is open to (doctoral) researchers from KIT as well as other universities and research centers.


Find more information and apply to join the workshop

Costs/ Payment
Dr. Annika Oertel, Dr. Vandana Jha

Angela Hühnerfuß
KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science (KCDS)
KIT-Center MathSEE
Mail: kcds does-not-exist.kit edu
Online registration
Find more info and apply here
Online Registration

Past Events

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